(This is a reprint from my Medium blog, while I edit the new book. I… Read the postWitch-Hunting: Why Everything Becoms Fuel
(Again: I usually post fiction here. But I don’t really use my old blogging platform… Read the postThe Myth of Poisoned Candy
If you know this blog, you know it’s almost exclusively microfiction. But I’m also a… Read the post7 Classic Villainpunk Books
(I tend to work with multiple imaginary worlds, but there are a few commonalities. If… Read the postChosen For Failure
If these words are reaching your brain, you might well be wondering: Why do I… Read the postWhy I Haven’t Taken Over Your Brain
Today’s lecture should be of particular interest to you, since it’s about you. Don’t get… Read the postWhy You Should Hire Your Nemeses
When I was younger, I wanted the same things out of love as everyone else:… Read the post5 Reasons To Date The Monster In Your Closet
Once there was an infinite number of monkeys, with an infinite number of typewriters (and… Read the postInfinitely Forgotten Monkeys
Once upon a time, very, very long ago, and very far away, but real, truly… Read the postThe Reaver of Socks
And here it is…BOTH of my Villainous Alphabets, in ONE place! ____ A is for… Read the postA Villainly Alphabet / A Dictionary of Defiance