Category: Repository of Villainy and Monstrosity

October 24, 2020 / alternative history
October 23, 2020 / Jeff's Writing

(What is Villainpunk, actually? Have a look: But we like these definitions, as well.)…

August 22, 2020 / dark lord

We, the terrible, the awesomely awful, the distinctively despicable, the spectacularly spectral, the monstrous, we,…

August 12, 2020 / dark lord
July 9, 2020 / fairytale
June 25, 2020 / Apocalypse
June 21, 2020 / Evil Overlord List
June 20, 2020 / I assert reality
June 15, 2020 / Demons
June 14, 2020 / dark lord