I felt a bit like a rube or a townie The first time someone told… Read the postBrownie (Dungeons and Dragons Monster, Not The Food)
You ought to meet the Chaos Beast; Of predictable monsters, this one’s the least. Your… Read the postThe Chaos Beast
Of all the beasts which, if they’re lost, please don’t put out a tracer Approximately… Read the postDisplacer Beast
The monster known as “Deadly Pudding” Is a good example of “They did so much… Read the postDeadly Pudding
Rod of Blunders Item That Would Be Really Useful Only Your Apprentice Stole It To… Read the postIncredibly Unhelpful Magic Items
A Toast of the Priests of Llolth “We wish each and every one of you… Read the postAssorted Fantasy Toasts
Drow Never say to a Drow, man, “Don’t have a cow, man,” Because the Spider… Read the postMonster Manual Doggerel