The first thing you must understand about the Black Knight is that I am evil,… Read the postBlack Knight of the Skyways
It was the last fortress because it was the strongest, and we saved the strongest… Read the postThe Dragon Master
Even in the Post-Apocalypse, it would be ironic and a bit tragic for a community… Read the postThe Mall Provider
“Ah, me, ah, me,” the corpse did cry; “My soul does wish for crossing! For… Read the postUnrolled Bones
Once upon a time there was a Princess who wanted to fight the Dragon instead… Read the postAn Impulsive Princess
Once upon a time, there was a Goblin King who wanted to turn good. This… Read the postThe Goblin King Goes Good
Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, invoke the Fires of Inspiration. Those flames are… Read the postOn The Fires of Inspiration
My name is Pandora, and I would do it again. You may have heard that… Read the postPandora Unrepentant
Come here, little hellspawn. Flick up your ears and perk your antennae, and for a… Read the postAdvice From An Old Monster
(Dedicated to Isaac Bonewits.) I dreamed last night I was writing, and it turned out… Read the postOutsider Gods