“Either you are a vision of loveliness surpassing even that of Galadriel, or Gandalf’s been putting something particularly good in this Pipe-Weed.”
“I can’t even speak of how beautifully hairy your feet are without getting a little hot and bothered.”
“If we get married, we shall have a glorious excuse to acquire a really snug Hobbit hole, and maybe even share it.”
“If I can’t have Elevenses with you, I almost don’t want to have three extra meals at all.”
“Kiss me if I’m wrong, but don’t you have a love of adventure, sleeping in the cold, not eating enough, and possibly dying?”
“I should be back from my adventure with Gandalf in a few years. You’re not doing anything, are you?”
“Would you like to lie out beneath the stars and think about Elves?”
“Are you a conjurer? Because when I look at you, I see the kind of fireworks which make me want to put on a magic ring and disappear.”
“I’ve cut a fine walking-stick. Can I interest you in hiking somewhere secluded, shady, and full of pastries?”
“Let’s go pick mushrooms and drink brandy and see what gets pickled first.”
“A loaf of bread, a jug of wine, and thou beside me, hopefully bringing another loaf of bread, another jug of wine, and perhaps a few little seed-cakes and perhaps a little bacon?”
“Can I interest you tea, followed by a long nap, followed by several meals, followed by several naps, followed by a date eventually, if we have the energy?”
“I tried dating Orcs, but it turns out I’m not into bondage.”
“It’s a little-known fact, but Unicorns are something like 20% paint, and their horns are stolen exclusively from endangered species.”
― There and Never, Ever Back Again
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