I. Not unsurprisingly, the very placement of the “Death Spells” spoke quite eloquently to the… Read the postDeath Spells
Once upon a time, there was a storyteller who could not help but begin everything… Read the postNonce Upon A Time
I was recently asked how I managed to be so prolific. And at times I’ve… Read the postThe Villain Factory
There are a few things you should know about this most charming of residences. First,… Read the postThe Lilac Chateau
Now that you’ve made it across the bridge perfectly safely and with every bit of… Read the postThe Goats
(This is part of my ongoing series wherein I’m writing up a haunted walking tour… Read the postWe Pause For A Reassuring Note
Sweet Willow, the branch never does fall too far from the tree, eh? It’s a… Read the postNotes To Willow: On Madness
They tried to shove a monster into my head, and the Monster did the best… Read the postUnwashed Brain
This is the game, and it’s very challenging. Let’s say you’re not real; not by… Read the postThe Cardboard Game
(The following is a missive I sent to The Alloy Hotel, supposedly a Doubletree, after… Read the postIncompetence, Lies, Greed: What Hilton’s Quality Guarantees Seem to be worth.