The Realm is plagued with misconceptions and foolish ideas about the Great Wyrms. It is… Read the post7 Important Dragon Facts
[Author’s Note: This is a satire dealing with, NOT the illness which is happening as… Read the postThe Dark Lord’s Commitment To Safety
Though we are all very different, every author dreams the same dream: that everyone in… Read the post8 Raving Reviews
[Author’s note: This is a standalone piece, but it takes place in the sameĀ world… Read the postThe Blighted Tree
Twice upon a time, there were three Princes who did not know their respective ages.… Read the postThe Uncertain Princes
[Some more weirdness from ‘Absinthe Heroes’. What would an Evil Chocolatier do? Let’s find out.]… Read the postField of Poppies
I. Suspended in place, not far at all, Is the brainwave that made Angels fall,… Read the postFeynman Asserts Unreality
Once upon a time, in a magical and faraway land, there were three princes whose… Read the postThe Untale Of The Three Brothers
[Author’s note: This is a piece from one of my rock operas. In retrospect, it… Read the postChangeling Grown
She doesn’t hide her demon heart because she fears being hunted as a demon; she… Read the postHer Demon Heart