Fate of the Dark Lord, Version I
How we love The Chosen One
Each one believing she’ll get the job done,
Each led by a Wizard White;
Each one earnest, and not too bright.
How we love someone whose prize
Will be achieved when Yours Truly dies.
Behold the Ancient Prophecy!
Which predicts, most obnoxiously
That at the demise of mine and me
All others will live happily.
Dark Lord? Dark Lord? Gods, I am bored
Why can’t he vanish of his own accord?
He started talking, and the rest of us snored
Boring, boring, bore, Dark Lord!
Quest For The Enchanted Club
Enchanted swords? Surely you jest.
Of enchanted weapons, clubs are best.
It won’t suck out your opponent’s soul,
Nor in their chest leave a giant hole,
But when its magic starts to crackle
It’s even more useful than spackle
For should its sorcery cease to work,
You can still head-crack the opposing jerk.
If you’re up for a little mischief,
Why not date a Kender?
Better yet, in my experience,
Just hit it with your fender.
Is defeating a Dragon difficult
or painful?
I don’t know.
All I needed was patience
and a spray bottle
the size
of Idaho.
Check out my books – I recommend “I HATE Your Prophecy” – on Amazon.