The Power Within

The true power, the real power, the power that can be wielded by only one, the Chosen One, the true real correct  powerful chosen one who has the power that is powerful: that has always been you, by which I mean you are the chosen one, and  the power is inside you, that power, that is the power that is in you. Got it? Good. 

It has waited for so long to be unlocked. But all you really had to do was believe in yourself with all of your heart. 

And that can be a difficult thing, for the heart is often divided. Between fear, love, anger, sadness, hope, heartbreak…  Really, there’s basically no room for ventricles or Orioles or whatever else goes inside that organ, so I’m not actually sure how  we continue pumping blood and don’t all just fall down. To be honest, falling down sounds pretty great right about now. 

But it is in your heart, your heart alone, and only your heart. And that is why we had to keep it a secret, and could not  tell you outright. Because your heart is very special. And that gives it just an insane black-market value. Like, I can’t even begin to  guess. Obviously, it is very deeply morally wrong to steal organs from someone, especially a living person who has by no means  consented thereto, especially if the organ is vital to life. But without getting morbid, it is kind of a thing that happens, and we do  need to acknowledge the actuality of it. It is very gross to think about, but not as bad as I imagine what would have happened if  just anybody could have figured out how special your heart is. All I’m saying is, there were reasons why this could not be made as  readily apparent as one might have preferred. Some of those reasons aren’t very nice. That’s how life works. 

You have come so far and done so much! You have vanquished many foes! Try not to let that make you feel too stupid.  I’m sure you were very effective with that little piece of sharpened metal and those cantrips you kept mumbling. All seems a bit  of a waste when you had thermonuclear force right at your disposal, just sort of hanging out in your chest, waiting to be noticed.  But it was very good…stick waving and metal slapping and whatever it was that you were doing. Good job, you! 

I mean it, you have the heart of a true warrior. And we really do miss her. 

What’s that? No, of course this wasn’t originally your hetart. You are fairly small and puny. I mean, it was a genius plan,  right? Sneaking incredible Weaponry right under the nose of the rightful ruler, just by shoving it into you an unprepossessing  young lad, with a c average and no particular known aptitude for anything whatsoever? 

Honestly, putting that weapon into anybody even vaguely threatening was just a dumb idea. Nobody figured you were  going to amount to anything. But you have showed how the small might bring the mighty low! Specifically, by having some sort  of magical thing within your body which has nothing much to do with the rest of you. 

And now, it is a part of you, and will always be a part of you, unless something really gory happens, and I don’t want to  think about that. Sounds very messy. Plus, weapons of belief and willpower are reasonably difficult to replace. 

This is the lesson: true strength comes from within. This is another lesson: the magic is in you. This is a third lesson: you will  always be special because you have a special thing inside. Fourth lesson: Don’t ask what kind of lesson we’re implying about those  who don’t have a sorcerous whatsit implanted in their chests

(Or maybe everyone does, which would mean that everyone is special, which means it is the job of each individual to go  off on their own, alone, against impossible odds, to defeat the Dark One. Except that would be impossible, since most of the  passes in the Foreboding Peaks barely have room to fit a very agile mountain goat; throwing the entire mass of humanity there is  just asking to fill the valley with tumbling corpses and, by extension, a never-ending whirlwind of avalanches.) 

Now also know that it doesn’t matter whether you are a large or small, it matters what is inside you! Which would pretty  much mean, logically, that if somebody hasn’t popped some sort of Mojo into your chest, there’s really no point in doing much  of anything. Everyone else can basically just sod right on off. 

Now the time has come to show everyone What You’re Made Of! Which is meat and cartilage stretched over fortified  calcium deposits, liberally sprinkled with organs and plasma. Same as everyone else. 

In conclusion, it is finally your moment! So do it! Call on the power that resides within you! Let all see the glow Within! 

(It was at this point that a blinding white light blasted through the Chosen One’s chest, and immediately exploded,  vaporizing everything within a 10-mile radius and leaving the tiniest speck of Chosen One behind. If you look very closely, you can see that little fragment…no, no, don’t look within your heart, that is just a bad idea. I’m going to put it right where everyone  can see it: on the period at the end of this sentence

Shine on, my friends. Shine on.

Jeff Mach Written by:

Jeff Mach is an author, playwright, event creator, and certified Villain. He's currently working on the Great Catskills Halloween Vendor Market & Spectacle. You can always pick up his bestselling first novel, "There and NEVER, EVER BACK AGAIN", or "I HATE Your Prophecy"—or, indeed, his increasingly large selection of other peculiar books. If you'd like to talk more to Jeff, or if you're simply a Monstrous Creature yourself, stop by @darklordjournal on Twitter, or The Dark Lord Journal on Facebook.