Vaguely Doomenized

(Not that News is ever interrupted these days. What, exactly, is supposed to be more frightening and horrible than what we’re already watching?)

We interrupt tonight’s news to bring you a breaking update. Although most news seems to be about things breaking, doesn’t it? It’s as if it isn’t news if everything is shiny and well-designed.

It appears that Doctor Doom has taken over this very television station, or mostly, and laid bare our minds to his total mind control, or mostly,

His telepathic powers are awesome,

But he does have a tendency to digress.
It’s very useful in his improv classes,
And he’s hoping to do a local open mic night in the near future—
Sorry, apparently some of those
Were inside-thoughts,
Not broadcast brainwaves;
improv is horrifyingly contagious.

What is the Doctor up to?

At this distance, it’s hard to tell,

But the point is that he now controls this station,
(Did I mention this is a station of some sort?)
And soon he will have some Hot Pockets,

I mean,

Soon he will take over your mind as well,

For example, I, myself, am not exactly completely unable to stop myself from saying these things out loud, though I fear they don’t do much to make me a more interesting person.

But in my defense, they ARE newsworthy,

And the telepathic powers at work are of excellent quality,

And now I want a Hot Pocket.

Do we have any Hot Pockets?

….apparently, I’m not the only one under telepathic compulsion here,

There’s a hot pocket riot near the vending machine;

Whoever owns this machine will be rich,

If we don’t tear the machine,
Or each other,
To bits of bits.

At any rate,
Dr. Doom has decided to spend a little time
On a remote mountain

Improving his technique
Before he comes back to take over everything.

Fear him,
For he shall stay there, focusing the awesome powers
Of his parietal lobe

And doing nothing but testing his brain
And eating all of the hot pockets

Which he just stole
From the machine

Without even paying for them,

The jerk.

Jeff Mach Written by:

Jeff Mach is an author, playwright, event creator, and certified Villain. You can always pick up his bestselling first novel, "There and NEVER, EVER BACK AGAIN"—or, indeed, his increasingly large selection of other peculiar books. If you'd like to talk more to Jeff, or if you're simply a Monstrous Creature yourself, stop by @darklordjournal on Twitter, or The Dark Lord Journal on Facebook.