My friend, my friend, please, allay; It was always going to be that way.… Read the postAn Ode To The Mob
The nation of Werewolves had two problems, and he was the one who could solve… Read the postLycanthrope Thing
Gelatinous Cube A gelatinous cube? Don’t be a rube. With enough fireball, It’s just lube.… Read the postDungeon Doggerell Keeps Going
Despite what Plato seems to feel no society is likely to exist when the art… Read the postThe Many Joys of Cancellation Part X: Art and Artists
One night, over @darklordjournal, I decided to respond to a few tweets about classic RPG… Read the postDungeon Doggerel Dimensional Distension
Fate of the Dark Lord, Version I How we love The Chosen One Each one… Read the postThe Revenge Of Silly Little Fantasy Tropes
To my Doggerel, i bid you welcome: May it be as little fun to read… Read the postDungeon Doggerel Even Further
“Either you are a vision of loveliness surpassing even that of Galadriel, or Gandalf’s been… Read the postPickup Lines For Hobbits
First, steal Fire from the Gods. This always makes them mad. Furious, in fact. Dare… Read the postA Traditional Fable Mead Cocktail – from Wonderplace Alpha