_______________ “There and NEVER, EVER BACK AGAIN”, our unreasonably nefarious and darkly satirical first… Read the post“There and NEVER, EVER BACK AGAIN” – Book Excerpt
(A standalone piece from my book, “I HATE Your Prophecy“.) If you have heard any… Read the postThe White Wizard Circle of Protection
No-one mentioned the cooling corpse whose sanguinary fluids, having made a rapid exit from the… Read the postA Taste Of Cybergrind
Susan, Chosen One per defaultum, looked up at the White Warlock. If there was one… Read the postSusan & The White Warlock
Susan, The Self-Chosen, gave the Keeper of Tomes a hard look. It was the sort… Read the postThe Book-Battle
Yes, it’s an excerpt from my novel, “I HATE Your Prophecy” – but it’s also… Read the postCleaning Up After A Chosen One
[I don’t know any authors who enjoy writing their book descriptions; if there’s anything that… Read the postI HATE Your Prophecy
[This is a standalone story. It’s a bit of a cheat, in that it intentionally… Read the postThe Very Bad Magic School
[Almost all of the standalone stories from my upcoming novel, “I Despise Your Prophecy”, are… Read the postOn Demon Runeswords
(I tend to work with multiple imaginary worlds, but there are a few commonalities. If… Read the postChosen For Failure