My friend, my friend, please, allay;
It was always going to be that way.
One thing of which humans ought not be proud?
Humans, humans, in a crowd.
When Telsa with success almost brushed,
He need to be quickly crushed
Here’s a tiny little tiff:
Forget unlimited power from Wardenclyffe.
Forget unlimited power from Wardenclyffe.
Tesla was strange. Tesla was weird.
Little mustache. Never a beard.
Very weird. Let’s be realistic.
Tesla was probably really autistic.
Edison was a promoter
And a bit of a steal-your-coat-er
Of the two geniuses in question
Edison’s more worth arrestin’.
The truth? You can’t handle.
Falsehood’s a bonfire, truth a birthday candle.
Falsehood’s a bonfire, truth a birthday candle.
There’s an Edison, New Jersey. That’s power.
And then there’s an abandoned Tesla tower.
Here are some hard truths
Please feel free to inspect them:
Who knows what delicate wonders are gone
For want of the strength to protect them?
Please feel free to inspect them:
Who knows what delicate wonders are gone
For want of the strength to protect them?
(This is a restatement of Bruce Lee’s quote by Dr. Han, the antagonist in “Enter The Dragon”: “Who knows what delicate wonders have died out from the world…for want of the strength to protect them?”)
My name is Jeff Mach (“Dark Lord” is optional) and I build communities, put on events, and make stories come into being. I also tweet a lot over @darklordjournal.
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